About Me

Hey this is the Iceman or shotgun as I have been called by a few of the other streamers. I am one of Global Pirate Radio's streamers.GPR is the best non-profit 24/7 Metal/Rock station on the net. My show is on Monday's at 10pm est. I tend to play a little more thrash and speed metal than the others here. I am a huge Iron Maiden fan and do play a few of their tunes every time I'm on the air.
Global Pirate Radio Line-up is as follows:
Sunday- Sherry's Metal Box
Monday- Iceman's Metal Meltdown
Tuesday- Rikachet
Wednesday- JLucky
Thursday- WWWalt
Friday- IzePicks and PillageLive
Saturday- Ize featuring Metal Trivia

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Sundays 10pm est

Mondays 10pm est

Tuesdays 10pm est

Wednesdays 10pm est

Thursdays 10pm est

Fridays 10pm est

Saturdays 10pm est

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